Steals & Deals: Outdoor Gear and Apparel Marked Down for Spring
Spring is here and we have some killer deals to send you outside in style, without breaking the bank. Who doesn’t want a great deal on top-tier gear and technical layers to keep cool when the temperatures jump? We love skiing, running, climbing and playing outdoors all day without sweating our socks off! This season we’re featuring men’s and women’s quick drying active-wear, backpacks, tents and sleeping pads for fast & light adventures, cozy footwear and waterproof protection for electronic devices – but we have so many more deals going on! Head over to our Outlet for big sales on outdoor gear, or browse around at for a huge selection of bargain deals and closeout items.
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The North Face Casimir 36 Backpack – The North Face Casimir 36 won awards in 2013 as an Outside Magazine’s Buyers Guide highlight! Whether hiking or overnight-running, big adventures in desolate wilderness areas call for an ultralight backpack with an unparalleled level of adjustability, and this 36-liter pack from The North Face has all that and then some. A spring-steel internal frame provides support and features Opti-Fit technology to adjust the fit between the pack and your body. Two extra-large hip-belt pockets provide easy access to essential items when it’s on your back and you’re racing down the trail in record time. | | |
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Olu’Kai Nohea Wool Slip On Shoes – The wool OluKai Nohea combines old school slip-on fashion with modern design to create ultimate comfort and warmth. The natural wool-blend upper has a Dri-Lex lining that wicks moisture, and an Everfit footbed is anatomically contoured to keep you comfortable on your feet longer than the rest. Starting to smell funky after consistent wear day-in, day-out? Remove the footbed and wash it to revive the fresh aura your lady friends know you for. The rubber, all-weather sole is non-marking, but they lack ankle support (they’re slip-ons!) so don’t head straight to the court with these puppies. Looking for a little versatility? Step on the heel and transform them to Olu’Kai slippers! |
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Klymit Inertia X-Frame Sleeping Pad – The Klymit Inertia X Frame is the most lightweight, full-length sleeping pad on the market. It inflates in less than 6 breaths…if you’ve got that many left after a truly epic day! Klymit uses body mapping technology to maximize comfort, placing 1.5 inches of padding under your head, shoulders, hips and feet. A 75-denier bottom is more durable than other ultralight sleeping pads, and a 30-denier ripstop nylon top helps hit the 9.1 oz superlight standard for fast & light rovers. Don’t be fooled by the appearance; the cut-out sections of the pad don’t just save weight, they let your sleeping pad’s insulation loft, boosting warmth for a better night’s rest. This Klymit sleeping pad comes with a dry air pump, stuff sack and patch kit. Looking for the ultimate lightweight backpacking sleeping pad? This Klymit sleeping pad is the cutting edge | | |
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Horny Toad Meshwork Tank – This jersey tank top is best described as “heavenly”. Its plush feel is out of this world while its rich, heathered colors keep it down to earth. Since Horny Toad clothing is so low-maintenance, you can wear the Meshwork Tank day after day without worry…your friends won’t even notice! Organic cotton is eco-friendly so you’ll feel good about your purchase, and 35% polyester helps it dry fast so you don’t feel like the workhorse you truly are. Women in Tahoe love Horny Toad activewear, but not only because they’re mostly active; these garments are ideal for everyday, casual wear as well. |
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Outdoor Research Sensor Dry Pocket – Tablet – This Sensor Dry Pocket for tablets secures your iPad or other tablet and keeps it dry without preventing use of the touch screen. You can even use earphones on the water when you connect to the convenient external port! Welded seams insure waterproof durability for the long-haul, and an attachment loop and webbing straps let you secure it to your raft, backpack, or outdoor shower curtain. This Outdoor Research waterproof tablet case fits a wide range of tablets, and is ideal for iPads. A dual-closure (zip and roll-top) insures complete waterproofing, and the case is touch-screen sensitive so you can still access all your apps…and really get away from it all! | | |
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Icebreaker Anatomica Short Sleeve Crewe – The uber-comfortable Icebreaker t-shirt is made from their most lightweight, fine-knit Bodyfit150 fabric that helps keep your body at ideal temps during endurance sports. With 4% elastane (spandex), it stretches just enough to let you move freely during workouts. This blend is very thin and goes well as a baselayer under a long-sleeve top or mid-layer jacket. If you’ve never worn Icebreaker merino wool, you’ve got to try it. They use only the best fibers from healthy, free roaming sheep so you don’t get that itchy feeling many people associate with wool clothing. You may never want to take this shirt off, but just because merino wool has odor-fighting properties doesn’t mean you won’t start to smell after several days of sweating. You may want to grab two of these while you’re at it. |
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Marmot Eclipse 2 Person Tent – This Marmot Eclipse Tent is lightweight, strong and spacious for comfort during long treks across your favorite (or even least-favorite) terrain. With a streamlined design and weighing in at only four pounds, this two person Marmot tent is designed with a reverse-foot to provide additional leg room. The Free-Standing Design increases headroom so you can to sit up comfortably and call this tent “home” during foul weather, and the waterproof floor’s taped seams are elevated from the ground to keep that weather from leaking through and soaking all your gear. Bonus: A “Bare Bones Setup” allows the tent fly to be joined with the footprint…ditch the tent for an even more lightweight, sturdy shelter! | | |
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Kavu Keeper Purse – The KAVU Keeper is one KAVU’s all-time best selling purses and can be used as an everyday purse or an over-the-shoulder bag. Compact yet stout, it expands further than you’d imagine when packed. With five pockets for organization, this KAVU purse will send your old, vacuum-like purse straight into retirement. A really cool feature is the magnetic snap on the main compartment which grants easy access to your belongings. The Kavu Keeper helps you organize your cell phone, keys, wallet and other odds and ends – it’s one of our favorite everyday KAVU bags! |
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