Running on Clouds and Smiles with the On Cloudventure
I have had my fair share of injuries. Broken ankles, femur, sprains, you name it. Injuries drive athletes to choose outdoor gear that they truly trust. Whether the injury is lingering, healing, or fresh, it really matters what type of running shoes you put on your feet. When On Running gave us the opportunity to try out their new Cloudventure trail running shoes, I jumped at the chance (pun intended) to find a running shoe that protects my injuries and let’s me go further. I was on the hunt for a trail running shoe that would give my joints the support they need and deserve.

I received the shoes before it started snowing in Truckee last fall, so my time was limited to really get some miles on these baby’s, but I knew it was the right time to test them out . My first run was on Alder Creek Trail in the snow and mud. They can’t stay new forever! After about 3 miles of running through slush, I did the sock test. DRY! I was honestly shocked because I was puddle hopping like a twelve year old girl in rain boots. Water didn’t even get in through the tongue with an extra elastic layer to protect your feet from wind and water. These aren’t technically waterproof, but it seems like they have some sort of water resistant materials.
The next run I did was in Southern Oregon where there wasn’t any snow, so I was able to try a more rocky and all terrain trail. On Running has their new CloudTec® combined with Helion™ superfoam on the sole for a more comfortable run on hard and variable surfaces. The CloudTec® really felt like it was protecting my weaker ankles on the rough terrain. They are stiff enough to give you response but soft enough that your joints don’t take a beating. On Running also added improved Missiongrip™ offers their best grip yet.
Now that I have ran about 200 miles in these shoes over the last year, I can really say that I feel support and comfort, as well and reliability in any terrain. I have hiked in these and even wear them to work for more stability. They are really my go-to, everything shoe.

The Cloudventure running shoes come in awesome colors. Mine are black and teal. They also come in a dark navy blue, a mustard yellow, and a light blue. I always appreciate when women’s outdoor gear isn’t just pink and purple!
Some other statistics about the Cloudventure trail running shoes is they have a 6mm heel-toe drop and weigh only 8.82 ounces. Compared to my Saucony or Nike running shoes, these feel much lighter on the uphill and more supportive on the downhill. They also are made with 10% overall recycled material and 50% of the polyester is recycled. You can feel good about your choice to buy these sustainable running shoes, as well as feel good while running!

The only wear and tear I have seen since testing these shoes is the inside when I assume I rub my feet together, creating wear on the fabric around the top, but this happens to all my running shoes, so this might be user error.
If you like to run in all weather, all terrain, and look good doing it, go buy these shoes right now at Tahoe Mountain Sports!
Check out some of our other On reviews below:
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